7th International Congress and Expo on Bioscience and Biotechnology
Paris, France during September 23-24 2019

Honorable Keynote speakers

Dr. Natalia G. Plekhova

Pacific State Medical University, Russian Federation

Honorable Keynote speaker Dr. Natalia G. Plekhova is giving talk at Bioscience-2019 Conference with title of


Short Biography:

Natalia G. Plekhova is a Head  of Central Researcher Laboratory Pacific State Medical University, Russia. She earned her PhD in Biology and has published over 120 peerreviewed journal articles. The theoretical positions as a new scientific achievement in the field of viral cytopathology, which is essential in the problem of research on the cellular and molecular interaction of cells and viruses, were developed. The role of innate immunity cells (macrophages and neutrophils, dendritic cells) in infections caused by RNA-containing viruses, the types of their cytopathogenic action and the form of viral infection of these cells were installed. Career interests: cell technologies in medicine, bioinformatics technologies, biocompatibility testing.

Dr. Vakhtang Barbakadze

Tbilisi State Medical University, Tbilisi, Georgia

Honorable speaker Dr. Vakhtang Barbakadze is giving Keynote talk at Bioscience-2019 Conference with title of

Short Biography:

Vakhtang Barbakadze has his expertise in isolation and structure elucidation of a new series of plant polyethers. He has completed his Ph.D and D.Sci. in 1978 and 1999 from Institute of Organic Chemistry, Moscow, Russia and Institute of Biochemistry and Biotechnology, Tbilisi, Georgia, respectively. He is the head of Department of plant biopolymers and chemical modification of natural compounds at the Tbilisi State Medical University Institute of Pharmacochemistry. 1996 and 2002 he has been a visiting scientist at Utrecht University, The Netherlands, by University Scholarship and The Netherlands organization for scientific research (NWO) Scholarship Scientific Program, respectively.

Meet our honorable Keynote speakers gain knowledge, share your ideas and explore the world in Bio filed.

For more details about the conference, for booking slots submit your abstract and make registration
Email: bioscience-2019@scientificfederation.com 


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